By Rand Farhan
In our fast-moving world, feeling stressed out is a relatively common emotion which everyone experiences at some point in their lives. For many, it's a short-term response to increased pressure, but at what point does it start to take a toll on physical health? In this article, I will focus solely on how chronic stress affects diabetic patients.
Chronic stress is when people find themselves in a constant state of alertness, where the stress-response system is constantly activated. The constant release of hormones can cause a variety of problems, including the disruption of body processes.
Normally, stress is a biological response. Once the stimulus is detected, the hypothalamus (a region in the brain) stimulates an alarm system in your body. Through nerve and hormonal signals, the adrenal glands (which are located at the top of the kidneys) respond by releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline elevates blood pressure and increases heart rate to provide more energy, whilst cortisol increases blood glucose levels.
Chronic stress can particularly induce complications in diabetes patients. People with diabetes struggle to keep their blood sugar at a normal level. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is caused by the autoimmune process, where the body mistakenly destroys the insulin (the hormone that keeps blood sugar at a normal level) producing cells hence raising blood sugar levels. Alternatively, patients with type 2 diabetes can be severe insulin-deficient (they don’t produce enough insulin) or severe insulin-resistant (where cells don’t respond well to the insulin and so don’t allow glucose to be absorbed). This alone maximises the risks of developing chronic health complications like cardiovascular disease and eye problems, and adding chronic stress maximises the risks even further.
The release of cortisol increases breathing rate, heart rate and blood sugar levels. It narrows arteries and raises blood pressure which can further worsen diabetic complications like kidney damage. Additionally, chronic stress can cause people to neglect themselves through overeating, lack of exercise and can encourage smokers to smoke more. A study from 2013 found a correlation between psychosocial stress and persistence, and despite the perceived 'highs' from dopamine releases, smoking can be severely detrimental to the health. It decreases oxygen supply to tissues, damages blood vessels, and increases blood sugar levels; all of which can contribute to the onset of cardiovascular disease. These interactions between multiple lifestyle factors and diseases all make it significantly harder to control diabetes.
In addition to this, cortisol also triggers enzymes in fat cells to relocate fat from storage deposits to fat cells in the abdomen. Coupled with increased food cravings, this can lead to an increase in abdominal fat. The association between chronic stress and difficulty sleeping can further contribute to overeating to increase energy levels.
If uncontrolled, chronic stress can increase the risk of developing depression. According to an article from 2017 that explores the relationship between chronic stress and depression, chronic stress elevates stress hormone levels and reduces serotonin and neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, all of which contribute to the feeling of happiness. Not only does depression have a negative impact on mental health, but it may affect blood sugar levels too. A study from 2008, experimented on the differences between depressed diabetic patients and non-depressed diabetic patients and found that depressed diabetic patients had less self-care and control over their diabetes than their non-depressed counterparts.
Stress should not be underestimated, and neither should the various methods of calming down during stressful situations. The sooner it is attended to, the less likely it will develop into chronic stress and depression which is extremely important for everyone, especially for those who have diabetes.
Edited by: Simoni Shah